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Artemisia stelleriana – Silver Brocade


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Artemisia stelleriana is commonly known as Beach wormwood/Dusty miller and locally Lavender in the Indian continent but it is not true Lavender. It is one of the most beautiful evergreens, shining, silvery leaf plants which act as a unique specimen to your garden. It loves full sunlight and requires very less water it acts as semi xerophytic plant. The small yellow inconspicuous flower will come after mid-summer. It shows slow growth in winter & shade areas. The more sunlight it gets the more silvery leaf. Do not give overwatering, as 3-4inch soil dry in the pot, then apply water.

Uses –

  • Due to the presence of essential oils, it has some medicinal properties but is mainly cultivated for ornamental use.
  • The above-ground plant parts and oil are used for medicine.
  • The leaves are used for flavoring rice dumplings.
  • It is used for various digestion problems such as loss of appetite, upset stomach, gall bladder disease, and intestinal spasms.
  • It is also used to treat fever, liver disease, depression, muscle pain, memory loss, and worm infections.
  • Wormwood oil is used as a fragrance component in soaps, cosmetics, and perfumes.

Sunlight – Full Sunlight (>6hrs)

Water – Very less like Cactus (regular watering do not let it grow well)

Fertilizer – Once in a year (Feb/March)

Soil – Well-drained & Fertile soil (Can grow in all soil except damp soil)

Re potting – Once in 3yrs

Location – Potted Plant/Sunny areas/Rock garden/Bonsai/


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