Lotus White Color Plant is a Graceful and elegant, Lotus/Kamal water lilies are a wonderful addition to any water garden. Lotus/Kamal Water lily is a popular ornamental plant widely grown for their beautiful flower blooms in ponds.
Lotus/Kamal Water lilies is a perennial plant that often form dense colonies. The leaves arise on flexible stalks from large thick rhizomes. The leaves are more round than heart-shaped, bright green.The showy, fragrant, solitary flowers are borne at or above the water surface. Each flower has a spiral arrangement of its numerous petals.
Growing beautiful Lotus/Kamal water lilies can be as easy work. There are 6 things Lotus/Kamal water lily will become their greatest beauty bloom. A good fertilizer or nutrient for root, Soil, Sun, wind and appropriate water depth and finally a good environment that cleared pests /diseases of Water lily.
The lotus/Kamal are beautiful water plants with round green leaves held well above the water. The flowers open mid-morning and close mid-afternoon. Each flower lasts three days before the petals fall away revealing a distinctive seed pod.
POND PREPARATION: Keep at least 2-3″ of water in your pot at all times. Please get ready an Mouth open Tub with minimum 18″ upper dia and 12″ depth size tub made by Cement,Clay Or Plastic. Pond on Ground with cement masonry cement wall and bottom is the best. Fill the pond by Black Cotton Soil / Other Fertile Soils up to 3/4 part. Fill water Up to 3 ” on Soil Surface.
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