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Asparagus plumosus – Indoor Plants



Asparagus plumosus commonly called asparagus fern, is not in fact a fern, It features feathery, fern-like flattened sprays of bright green stems and the true leaves of this plant are tiny dry scales. Plants have multiple round full shoots. They radiate outward from the ground giving the plant a pretty robust form. They belong to the lily family. They have swollen roots. Plants have finely cut leaves. These leaves are sought after by florists for flower arrangements.

Asparagus plants throw up new shoots from the base. each new shoot is stronger and larger than the previous ones. The flowers are tiny, white and borne in profusion. The fruit is small, round, green and matures to red and then black. Plants can be trimmed to keep in shape. This one is known as the bridal fern because the leaves are so often used for making the delicate lacy bouquets that brides carry on the way to the alter. Plants grow best in semi shade and when trained onto some kind of a trellis.


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