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Japanese Miyazaki Mango Live Plant – VOP




Plant Type Normal and Grafted Plant (if available)
Common Name Egg of the Sun
Botanical Name Mangifera indica
Bloom Time/Fruiting 3-5 Years
Maintenance Required Easy

Invite an exotic superstar to your garden, the Japanese Miyazaki Mango, with our specially live plant. The Miyazaki Mango, named after the Japanese city famed for their cultivation, offers more than just a fruit, it’s an experience.

Taste and Nutrition:

Each Miyazaki mango, weighing around 350 grams, bursts with an unrivalled sweet and aromatic flavour. But its charm isn’t limited to the taste buds alone. Packed with antioxidants, beta-carotene, and folic acid, these mangoes offer excellent health benefits alongside their delightful taste.

Harvesting Season:

Miyazaki Mangoes have a peak harvesting season from April to August. The fruits ripen to their sweetest and most nutritious in these months, ensuring each bite is a heavenly blend of health and taste.

Japanese Miyazaki Mango Plant Care:

Light Requirement:

Mango trees, including the Miyazaki variety, love sunshine. They require full sun exposure to photosynthesize efficiently, essential for their growth and fruitful yields.


Watering should be deep and regular, promoting a strong root system crucial for the tree’s health. However, make sure the soil has dried out between waterings to prevent the roots from rotting.


Fertilisation is vital for the Miyazaki Mango tree’s productive and healthy growth. We recommend organic fertilizers like Panchagavya, Fish Amino Acid, or decomposed cow dung for their rich nutrient content. A regular feed every two months during the growing season will support the tree’s lush growth and abundant fruiting.

Let your garden bear the crown of the Japanese Miyazaki Mango tree and reap the rewards of its delightful taste and nutritional wealth. It’s more than just a plant; it’s an investment in a healthier, tastier future!

Checkout our more plants and Village organic products:

1. Pure Wild Bee Honey  2. Pure A2 Desi Cow Ghee   3. Indoor Plants   4.  Fruits Plants


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