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Rough Lemon Fruit Plants & Tree




Rough Lemon Fruit Plant  botanically known as Citrus jambhiri is a citrus fruit native to tropical Asia. Lemon are an excellent source of vitamin C and are often used to accent the flavours of foods and beverages. They are grown year-round.

Growth: Strongly vigorous, upright branches, many small thorns, new shoots are often reddish to purple-coloured.

Flowers: Small, tangerine-like flowers, usually covered with a purplish touch, formed throughout the year, with emphasis in the spring and then again in late summer.

Fruits: Medium-sized fruit, grooved and bumpy, especially at the ends, with a pronounced nipple. Thanks to the exotic shape they are an eye-catcher.

Special use: As a taste, sour lemon; due to the robust nature it can also be grown well in the north as a container plant, it is rather more robust and more tolerant to stress than the four season lemon.

Growing Tips for Rough Lemon Fruit Plant

  • Citrus species, grow in tropical and subtropical humid regions. pH should be between 5.5 and 6.5. If acidity is high, it is necessary to apply lime to achieve the optimum level.
  • Easy to grow even in pot/direct soil wherever direct sunlight are available. Soon after planting, plants should be supported with bamboo stick and irrigated thoroughly.
  • While planting care should be taken to see that the bud-joint should always be above the ground level.
  • Temperature ranging from 15-35℃ is suitable for cultivation of the crop.
  • The bearing trees require little or no pruning. All diseased, injured and drooping branches and dead wood are to be removed periodically.
  • Citrus Variety requires consistent watering to produce healthy fruits. Giving it too much or too little water can lead to blossom and fruit drop and sometimes plant may die too.
  • Check top 2-inch layer of soil for dryness before watering. On windy and hot days, it requires more frequent watering.
  • Micro-nutrients (zinc, copper, manganese, iron, boron and molybdenum) are required in ample quantities. It should be supplied through foliar spray.
  • Application of organic mulch surround the basin, improves the fruit quality and maintain moist environment.
  • Fruit drop in citrus can be controlled in early stages of fruit development by applying two sprays of growth regulators- 2,4 D (15 ppm.) or GA3 (15 ppm) along with Benomyl (1000 ppm.) and urea (1%) at the time of flowering and after the fruit set.
  • Never prune the plants during monsoon and wet climates.

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